Finally! Deployed, Launched and the First Blog
Published at May 16, 2021
After few years of planning, designing, developing (including changing techstacks :P) and most importantly contemplating…it is now finally online!
This is the first of the multiple small apps for this site. Here I will document most of my learnings on the technologies that I have used. Currently this includes:
- Elixir, Phoenix and LiveView. Which is my go to stack for my new projects.
- Ruby on Rails
- Javascript and ReactJS / ReactNative
- WordPress. Yeah it is still a thing!
- Deployments and DevOps
- Other cutting edge technology
I have got plenty of plans for this site. Some of them would be improvement to this blog app and others would be building small apps and microservices. Here are some improvements that I might add in the future:
- Improvements and some additional new features for the Blog app (ie. adding tags,comment section?, etc..)
- Adding a Portfolio section
- Making this a headless CMS for a JAM Stack Frontend.
- Adding Analytics
- And much more…
I would try to post new content maybe at least once a month. I will start it off with a series on building small app starting next week.